Addiction and Recovery

The Damage of Addiction is More than Skin Deep

What damage is actually done from alcohol and drug addiction?  We can see some of the harmful consequences with our eyes, but much goes on under the surface that often goes unnoticed until the damage is already done.  Many people don’t realize the extent their substance use is actually hurting them.  The physical, mental, and emotional consequences that arise are a bit staggering and can be life changing. 

Medical Consequences.  1 in 4 deaths today are the result of drug and alcohol use.  That’s a large percentage of the population!  Some of the medical findings may shock you.  Prolonged drinking and illicit substance use can lead to the following:

·       Weakened Immune System

·       Abnormal Heart Rhythm

·       Increased Risk of Heart Attack

·       Vitamin Deficiencies and Brain Damage

·       Significant Liver Damage

·       Seizures and Strokes

Mental Consequences.  Excessive drug and alcohol use alters your brain chemistry and how it functions.  When your body ingests substances (whether orally, injected, or smoked), it can have immediate and long-standing effects on the neurons and neurotransmitters in your nervous system.  The mental consequences of substance use can include:

·       Confusion and Disorientation

·       Impairments in Memory and Concentration

·       Inability to Sustain Attention

·       Difficulty Making Decisions

Emotional Consequences.  Your brain is also responsible for the emotions we experience on a daily basis.  Normally your brain is pretty efficient at regulating daily emotional experience, whether this be happiness, sadness, anxiety, or anger.  Unfortunately, prolonged alcohol or drug use makes it difficult to experience feelings normally.  The consequences that can emerge from substance addiction include:

·       Depression

·       Anxiety and Panic Attacks

·       Inability to Experience Joy and Pleasure

·       Increased Irritability

·       Uncontrollable Anger

While the damage of Substance Use and Addiction is difficult to hear, what you should know is that many of the above can be avoided or reduced once treatment is started.  Beginning therapy with a qualified Addictions Therapist can help you to better understand and address the factors underlying your desire to drink or use substances.  There has never been a better time to get help and learn helpful coping strategies for managing your addiction!  If you or someone you love is experiencing addiction, please get in contact with me today to request a free 15-minute phone consultation or to make an appointment to begin therapy.